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- TidBITS#103/27-Jan-92
- =====================
- Tune in for the spring Apple rumors (cooler machines and
- QuickTime B&W) and a look at Notify!, a fascinating wireless
- paging application. For Internet users, read about the new
- mailing list and our fileserver, and everyone should check out
- the lowdown on video memory and speed increases for the IIsi
- and IIci. Speaking of speed increases, System 7 users should
- use System 7 Tune-Up, but be careful when installing it.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/27-Jan-92
- TidBITS Mailing List
- TidBITS Fileserver Pitfalls
- Spring Apple Rumors
- More Macworld Impressions
- Tune-Up Follow-up
- IIsi/IIci Memory Usage
- Notify! Me
- Reviews/27-Jan-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-103.etx; 26K]
- MailBITS/27-Jan-92
- ------------------
- I don't enjoy making mistakes, but it does happen. In TidBITS#101,
- I suggested that a certain file available on ftp.apple.com held
- the full set of LaserWriter Plus TrueType fonts. Well, I was dead
- wrong and lots of people mentioned it to me, thanks. That file
- holds only the TrueType fonts that ship with System 7. It's
- difficult for me to download 900K files via FTP since I've only
- got a 2400 bps link right now, but I still should have checked
- more carefully. My apologies for misleading you. However, in my
- defense, the information I had from Apple said quite clearly that
- those LaserWriter Plus TrueType fonts would be posted on
- electronic services, so keep an eye out - the great folks who run
- ftp.apple.com are doing their best and that machine is an
- incredible network resource.
- At least that was a simple factual error. In TidBITS#102, two of
- our articles implied that Apple's Developer Technical Support
- might not be doing a good job. It was never my intention to slam
- on DTS in any way - in the first instance I was just reporting
- what the developer had told me, and in the second instance, the
- problem stemmed from a lack of internal communication at HP. As
- Murph Sewall mused in his article on the DeskWriter C driver, HP
- is a very large organization and the person he talked to was
- simply ill-informed about how HP had been seeded with Quadras
- early on by Apple. For those of you who are wondering, yes, HP has
- a better driver for the DeskWriter C under beta test now, so we
- can hope to see it soon. In any event, thanks to Brian Bechtel of
- Apple Developer Support for setting me straight on this, and my
- apologies to everyone at Apple DTS.
- Information from:
- Brian Bechtel -- blob@apple.com
- TidBITS Mailing List
- --------------------
- Wow! Internet users responded so enthusiastically that the volume
- temporarily swamped the mailer at Simon Fraser University. (Those
- of you who cannot get to the Internet might consider asking for an
- Internet gateway, on America Online and GEnie, for instance.) We
- are still working on ironing out all the quirks (sorry about those
- multiple mailfiles some of you received), so please bear with us.
- A couple of people have commented that there is no automatic way
- to sign-off the list. We're working on that too, but for the
- moment, just send email to tidbits-admin@sfu.ca telling us that
- you want to be removed from the list. We'll announce the automatic
- sign-off procedure when we have set it up.
- Also, there have been a few problems with a few subscriptions
- because the SFU mailer has been unable to return mail for one
- reason or another. We're working on it, but if you sent in a
- subscription request that didn't bounce back to you and you don't
- receive confirmation or an issue, send mail to the administrative
- address or to me and we'll try to work it out.
- Once again, if you want to subscribe to the list and have TidBITS
- sent to you each week, just send email to:
- tidbits-subscription@sfu.ca
- and you'll be added to the list. Thanks for the enthusiasm - the
- list received over 500 subscriptions in the first week!
- TidBITS Fileserver Pitfalls
- ---------------------------
- No offense, but some of you have weird mailers. :-) There have
- been some requests to the TidBITS fileserver that it has been
- unable to respond to because the return address in the header is
- just too strange. I try to find a real address in all of those
- cases, but if you either don't have a normal Internet style
- address or don't list it in a .signature, I have no way of telling
- you that I can't send you the file you requested.
- So if you have requested a file recently but have not received it,
- it's almost certainly because I can't find a return path to mail
- it back. Right now I'm mainly feeling bad about Mike Sisson
- <engcon!gemini!sisson_md%brutus.decnet> since he sent me personal
- mail asking me to send him the ResEdit template for editing the
- Finder after the fileserver failed to return it. Unfortunately, I
- haven't been able to reply personally to him either, and I know
- there are a few of you in the same boat, thinking that I'm a slug
- for not sending these files as I said I would.
- So to reiterate, if you wish to request a file from the TidBITS
- fileserver, send email to:
- fileserver@tidbits.halcyon.com
- with a single keyword in the Subject: line. Good words to try
- initially include help and index. Don't put anything else in the
- Subject: line, and don't bother putting anything in the body of
- the letter other than your Internet style address in case I have
- to respond manually. The most common pitfalls are:
- 1) Sending the request to my personal account.
- 2) Not putting the keyword in the Subject: line.
- 3) Not spelling the word "fileserver" correctly.
- So if you watch out for those three, you're likely to be able to
- use the fileserver successfully without me having to help you out
- manually.
- My sincere apologies to those of you who have been unable to use
- the fileserver, and I hope it has proved useful to those that have
- used it successfully (over 1750 times since the end of November, I
- may add!)
- Spring Apple Rumors
- -------------------
- We couldn't fit these rumors in last week's issue, so in case you
- haven't heard, here's the latest. Two of the next Macs to show up
- will be a 68030-based LC and a docking notebook. The '030 LC is
- perhaps the more interesting of the two because it will address
- many of the complaints with the current LC. We've heard that it
- will sport a 16 MHz 68030 with a 68881 coprocessor, although a 16
- bit data path will ensure that it will be slower than the SE/30,
- though probably a bit faster than the Classic II. Other
- enhancements will include extra VRAM so it can drive the Apple 13"
- at 256 colors from the on-board video and possibly even built-in
- Ethernet connections, undoubtedly to improve its standing in the
- corporate world. Such an LC will probably come in at about the
- same price and will undoubtedly be more popular than the current
- '020 LC. I would assume that Apple will have to release a new IIsi
- to help differentiate it from the '030 LC since the current IIsi
- running a 13" color monitor in 256 color mode from the onboard
- video isn't much faster than the current LC. (See below for ways
- to speed up a IIsi in that situation.) This '030 LC will probably
- be the machine that gets an internal CD-ROM drive sometime in 1992
- and becomes the multimedia machine and even (in repackaged form)
- the consumer electronics Mac.
- Lots of people have complained that Apple doesn't offer a notebook
- computer with a docking station. From what we've heard, that
- notebook is on its way, but people may still not be pleased
- because the notebook will plug into the docking station, but may
- have few or no external ports. One problem with shrinking the
- PowerBooks even further is that Apple is running out of space on
- the back of the case as it is. If they shrink the case, some of
- the external ports have to go, and that will save weight and
- space, and possibly some power too.
- Interestingly, one of the speakers at the second Macworld keynote
- gave his top ten predictions for 1992, and the final one was that
- we would see non-Apple branded Macs by the end of the year. Given
- that Apple has worked with Sony on the PowerBook 100 and that
- General Magic will be licensing its software rather than trying to
- compete in the competitive and expensive hardware market, I think
- that prediction has some validity. It's also possible that the
- non-Apple Mac will come from RDI or one of the other companies
- that claims to have cloned the Mac. We'll see, but I'm not holding
- my breath.
- Finally, for those with a Plus, SE, or Classic, QuickTime B&W
- should be out sometime in the spring. My impression is that it
- will work, but that's about it because you're pushing an
- incredible load on a slow CPU. Black and white movies will
- probably be OK in small windows at a low frame rate, but anything
- in color will have to be dithered down to black and white before
- it can be displayed. Some people are running into this on
- PowerBook 140s and 170s even now, since those machines have Color
- QuickDraw in ROM; they just lack color monitors.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- More Macworld Impressions
- -------------------------
- by Ethan Munson
- A few brief observations on Macworld San Francisco from a
- different viewpoint.
- * Multimedia, particularly captured video and animated video,
- continues to be very big. Another person in my research group
- looked at this stuff more closely than I, so he may have better
- insights. My eyes glaze over when I talk to the salespeople for
- these products.
- * Color printers are becoming affordable. There are three primary
- technologies that yield good quality:
- 1) dye-sublimation: beautiful, very expensive ($5/page)
- 2) thermal-wax: great saturation and cheaper ($0.50/page)
- 3) solid ink: less brilliant, plain paper, cheaper still
- The solid ink appears to be the most practical technology. Ink-jet
- like guns melt the ink and shoot it onto the page. It ends up
- being cheaper than thermal-wax because the paper is less expensive
- and because the cost-per-page is proportional to the amount of ink
- placed on the page. Brother, one of the manufacturers, claims that
- the cost for a page of normal text is only four cents. In
- contrast, the cost of printing using the thermal-wax system is
- more or less constant, no matter how much color is placed on the
- page. Thermal wax is somewhat better for transparencies, though,
- because of the nice saturated colors.
- The printers themselves are becoming affordable to businesses. The
- thermal-wax and solid ink printers were all under $10,000.
- * Normal laser printers are getting really cheap. TI has a 9
- page-per-minute (ppm) printer with Level II PostScript for $2249.
- They have one doing 16 ppm for $3649. At the same time, printer
- resolution is increasing. Several manufacturers were pushing 600
- dpi printers for reasonable prices.
- * SuperMac has a "full-page" black and white monitor which runs
- through the SCSI port. It uses lossless compression to keep the
- bandwidth down. This had me drooling, because I could use it with
- my Mac Plus, unlike most larger monitors. I can't afford one, but
- I want one. [Adam: One caveat to these SCSI monitors. I gather
- that because they are using the SCSI port they can only operate at
- the same bit depth as the main monitor. In comparison, I have a
- Micron Xceed card in my SE/30 that drives an Apple 13" color
- monitor at 256 colors even though my SE/30's internal monitor is
- only black and white.]
- * Extensible systems are showing up more in different types of
- programs. In the past, the only user-extensible programs were
- spreadsheets. However, extensibility seems to have arrived. I saw
- powerful macro languages in the Nisus word processor and the
- PowerDraw CAD program. One guy was showing how PowerDraw could be
- used to generate low level control instructions for a computer-
- controlled milling machine. [Adam: I also believe that both
- PageMaker 4.2 and Quark XPress 3.1 have add-ons that give them
- rudimentary scripting languages. In some ways, this user-
- extensibility is thanks to HyperCard's popularity.]
- * "Open-architecture." This is a buzz-word for systems which are
- designed to support plug-in modules. Third-party vendors are
- allowed access to the code (apparently for a fee). They create
- useful add-ons which manipulate the internal data structures. This
- has been around for a while with "plug-ins" for image processing
- software, but both Quark XPress and Canvas were touting their
- flexibility from this choice. The folks from PowerDraw seem to be
- thinking about doing this, too. They say that users don't think of
- macro-based extensions as being "part of the system." I think this
- means that the users don't like paying extra money for them, which
- they will for the more seamlessly integrated features added via an
- "open-architecture". [Adam: The most popular program that uses
- this method is of course Word 5.0 now, but it remains to be seen
- how many third party modules take advantage of Word's plug-in
- capabilities.]
- Information from:
- Ethan Munson -- munson@cs.berkeley.edu
- Tune-Up Follow-up
- -----------------
- There has been some discussion recently of problems with System 7
- Tune-Up, most notably in concert with Ethernet boards and MacTCP.
- The problems appear to be isolated to just a few people, however,
- and Apple strongly recommends that everyone using any flavor 7.0.x
- install System 7 Tune-Up. I suspect that the problems may stem
- from the installation process, but supposedly you can avoid the
- Installer by dragging the files to your System Folder. If you
- circumvent the Installer, make sure you install all of the files,
- making sure to turn off File Sharing before installing (I presume
- the file can't be replaced otherwise?) and drag the files to a
- closed System Folder so that they will definitely end up in the
- right places. Several people have used a beta version of
- MountImage to mount the disk image of the Tune-Up disk, a process
- which might be responsible for some problems. Tune-Up also
- bothered Chris Johnson's excellent Gatekeeper virus utility,
- prompting him to release version 1.2.2, which "works around
- problems in System 7 Tune-Up."
- All in all, I concur with Apple that the System 7 Tune-Up is a
- good thing and everyone using System 7.0.x should use it. However,
- I'd add that it's probably best to restart your Mac with all the
- extensions off and to use the Installer if at all possible to make
- sure that everything is updated correctly. I almost wish I had a
- StyleWriter because the low memory handling and speed benefits of
- the Tune-Up aren't all that noticeable on a relatively fast
- machine with a lot of memory although I believe they are there.
- The new StyleWriter driver reportedly speeds up printing by a
- great deal, though, so those of you with StyleWriters should
- especially use the System 7 Tune-Up.
- Information from:
- Chris Johnson -- chrisj@emx.utexas.edu
- Larry Rosenstein -- lsr@apple.com
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Michael J. Longo -- LONGO@mail.physics.lsa.umich.edu
- IIsi/IIci Memory Usage
- ----------------------
- This article originally was part of our forthcoming special issue
- on System 7, but since it really isn't related to System 7 or
- software at all, we decided to include it here. If you don't care
- about the quirks of on-board video, skip to the next article.
- Those of you with an a IIsi or IIci should pay attention, though.
- There will be a quiz. :-)
- When using on-board video, the IIsi and IIci don't use separate
- video RAM (VRAM). Instead, they use some of the dynamic RAM (DRAM)
- that makes up part of the standard system memory. (The Macintosh
- LC has separate VRAM on its motherboard.) As a default on the IIsi
- and IIci, 320K of DRAM is reserved for 8-bit color. Switching to
- black and white mode (with the Options dialog box in the Monitors
- Control Panel) frees up about 264K of DRAM for system and
- application use.
- A IIsi or IIci user might ask, "Why does my Macintosh IIsi/IIci
- seem so slow when I have 256 colors or shades of gray turned on?"
- The explanation is that the video RAM sits in RAM bank A (1 MB of
- soldered on RAM on the IIsi logic board; four SIMM slots on the
- IIci). That makes this bank of RAM very busy (the more colors the
- busier). Consequently, access to anything else in this part of
- memory is slow. On the IIsi try adjusting the disk cache to at
- least 384K. As a result, bank A is all video RAM, disk cache and
- RAM used by the system. This makes the performance with 256 colors
- almost as good as in black and white. Setting the disk cache
- higher than 384K does not help much. This will also work with the
- IIci if you have four 256K SIMMs in RAM bank A. On a IIci, if bank
- A is not filled with 256K SIMMs (i.e. it is filled with 512K, 1
- MB, 2 MB, 4 MB or 16 MB SIMMs) it is harder to keep applications
- from sharing that busy RAM bank. If possible, try boosting the RAM
- cache up to approximately the size of the memory in RAM bank A
- minus 600K and you should get similar results, but this can take
- away a lot of memory from your applications.
- Information from:
- Eric Apgar -- apgar@apple.com
- Notify! Me
- ----------
- Ever been in a restaurant and heard pagers going off all evening?
- It may start happening even more often now that the Mac can make
- the call that sets off the beep. At Macworld, Ex Machina showed
- Notify!, a new program that takes advantage of System 7 to deliver
- all sorts of information from a Mac to a pager, preferably one of
- the more advanced alphanumeric ones.
- I've never used a pager before and Ex Machina wanted to make sure
- I got the idea, so they lent me one for the duration of the Expo.
- Luckily, the fancy one they lent out could be set to vibrate
- rather than beep loudly, which was a little weird, having this
- thing vibrating in your shirt pocket, but it was less embarrassing
- than scrambling for the silence button each time it went off
- during a conversation. There was no chance that I was going to get
- anyone else to page me while I was there, so I signed up for the
- football scores group some people from MacUser were putting
- together. That ensured that I had a vibrating pocket every half
- hour or so as the semi-finalists battled for Super Bowl berths.
- Those close games can be exciting. :-)
- Football scores may be important to many people, but there are far
- more interesting applications of the Notify! software. Using Apple
- Events, Notify! accepts information from applications that support
- it, translates appropriately, dials a Hayes-compatible modem, and
- transfers the message to the pager network for transmission to
- your pager. You can also just type a quick message in for
- instantaneous transmission without having to interact with other
- programs. In the tests we saw at the demo, it took about three
- minutes for a message to get through, which is pretty quick
- considering the number of jumps. Using Notify! to send pages will
- generally be cheaper than using a standard pager since you don't
- have to have an operator type the message in, thus saving time and
- effort.
- Some of the developers supporting Notify! include Claris,
- Microsoft, CE, Dayna, WordPerfect, and UserLand. Such wide ranging
- support means that you could have scheduling software send you
- notification of appointments, network management software could
- wake up the network manager when the network dies in the middle of
- the night, short email messages could come through immediately,
- stock quotes and the like could be routed directly to your pager
- for immediate action, and you could even have Resolve, HyperCard,
- or Excel tell you when they're done with a long process. One of
- the most intriguing applications came from Magnum Software with
- its TFLX voicemail product that can take calls, route callers
- around a voicemail system, and send messages via the paging
- network to alert technicians, for instance, to urgent service
- problems.
- As fascinating as Notify! is, I suspect that you'll know instantly
- if it will be useful to you after reading this article. Some
- people simply don't want to be bothered when they are away from
- work. In contrast, the pager is limited in the amount of
- information it can take in and display, so if you're the sort of
- person who needs a lot of information at hand all the time when
- away from your desk, you'll probably be best off agitating with
- Motorola for cellular modems that can work with a notebook or
- laptop computer. That technology is still coming forward, getting
- cheaper, faster, and more standardized, but I feel that in the
- next two years it won't be at all strange to have a full-powered
- notebook machine that is connected wherever you go, at least in
- major cities. In the meantime, if you use (or obviously should be
- using) a pager now and you have a Mac, you should definitely take
- a look at Notify! because it has the potential to do a lot for you
- and if you don't get one of the quiet beepers, to interrupt a lot
- of dinners. The Personal Version is shipping now for $149 list
- price, and the Network Version for workgroups will list for $399
- and will be available soon. Highly recommended.
- Ex Machina -- 800/238-4738 -- 212/831-3142
- Information from:
- Ex Machina and third party propaganda
- Reviews/27-Jan-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Microsoft Word 5.0 -- pg. 38
- Vellum 3D -- pg. 38
- GraceLAN Update Manager -- pg. 40
- ScanMatch -- pg. 41
- The Printer Works LX-29000 -- pg. 44
- UltraDrive 1000X -- pg. 44
- * MacUser
- Outbound Notebook 2030 -- pg. 46
- GreatWorks -- pg. 48
- PageBrush Professional -- pg. 54
- Label Printers -- pg. 56
- Personal Label Printer
- LabelWriter II
- Smart Label Printers Plus
- 4D Development Shells -- pg. 60
- Easy4D
- 4thRight! Professional
- Painter -- pg. 62
- CompileIt! 2.0 -- pg. 74
- Address-Book Managers -- pg. 78
- Dynodex 2.0
- Address Book Plus 2.0
- QuickDEX II
- WordScan Plus -- pg. 84
- Quicken 3.0 -- pg. 89
- FrameMaker 3.0 -- pg. 103
- Spaceship Warlock -- pg. 103
- Cubase -- pg. 103
- QuickTools -- pg. 105
- Flat-file Databases -- pg. 110
- DAtabase
- FileMaker Pro
- Panorama II
- RecordHolder Plus
- Contact Managers -- pg. 130
- Client 2.0
- Colleague 2
- Contact Ease
- Control Classic
- Market Master
- TeleMagic
- Large Color Monitors -- pg. 156
- (too many to list)
- High Resolution PostScript Printers -- pg. 172
- HP LaserJet IIISi
- Apple LaserWriter IIf
- Apple LaserWriter IIg
- Varityper VT600W
- QMS PS-815 MR
- Xante AccelaWriter
- LaserMaster LaserMAX 800
- LaserMaster LaserMAX 1000
- Printware 720 IQ Laser Imager
- Uninterruptable Power Supplies -- pg. 190
- (too many to list)
- * Macworld
- Inexpensive Color Monitors -- pg. 134
- Apple 13" Color Display
- E-Machines ColorPage E16
- NEC Multisync 3FGx
- NEC Multisync 4FG
- Magnavox Mac Display 9CM080
- Seiko CM1445
- Sony CPD-1304
- Video Capture Boards -- pg. 140
- Computer Friends ColorSnap 32+
- Data Translation QuickCapture
- Digital Vision ComputerEyes B/W
- Digital Vision ComputerEyes Pro
- Dycam Model 1
- E-Machines QuickView Studio
- Koala MacVision Grayscale Video Digitizer
- Koala MacVision Color Video Digitizer
- Mass Microsystems QuickImage 24
- Radius TV
- RasterOps 24STV
- RasterOps 24XLTV
- RasterOps Video Colorboard 364
- RasterOps MediaTime
- Scion Video Image 1000,1200,1500,2000
- Truevision NuVista+
- JPEG Compression Boards -- pg. 146
- Colorsqueeze
- Image Compressor
- ImagePak 2.0
- Impressit
- Picture Press
- SuperSqueeze
- Paint Programs -- pg. 164
- (too many to list)
- ClarisWorks -- pg. 174
- ColorStudio 1.5 -- pg. 175
- ModelShop II -- pg. 176
- Aldus SuperPaint 3.0 -- pg. 179
- The Complete Half-Page Scanner GS -- pg. 180
- ScanMan Model 32 -- pg. 180
- Microsoft Flight Simulator -- pg. 181
- FrameMaker 3.0 -- pg. 181
- MicroTrac & Thumbelina -- pg. 182
- Puzzle Master 1.03 -- pg. 182
- Hole-In-One Miniature Golf 1.1 -- pg. 184
- MacLinkPlus/PC 6.00 -- pg. 184
- Student's/Writer's Dreamtools -- pg. 186
- Models 1.04 -- pg. 186
- LivingTrustBuilder 2.0 -- pg. 191
- TrustMaker 1.0 -- pg. 191
- SuperAnalyst 1.29 -- pg. 191
- Tristan 1.02 -- pg. 193
- Intouch 1.1.7 -- pg. 193
- Video Companion -- pg. 194
- New Math Blaster Plus 1.0 -- pg. 194
- MacSpin 3.0 -- pg. 196
- Typist Plus Graphics -- pg. 196
- Nautilus -- pg. 197
- PhoneNet Manager's Pack -- pg. 197
- Splat'ers 1.01 -- pg. 198
- Johannes Brahms, A German Requiem -- pg. 198
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 20-Jan-92, Vol. 6, #3
- MacUser -- Feb-92
- Macworld -- Mar-92
- ..
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